Thursday, October 30, 2008


oh my goodness so handsome XD It's all the eye candy I need ha. I know I so do need this button to remind me of no hate and to remind myself that this is all a test of my patients. It's all a choice, no one can make be be or act in a way I don't want to. I don't need to feel too sympathetic towards him. He makes his own choices too and deals with his own consequences. A part of me hopes he did poorly, but at the same time not. So no matter how he does, I be happy with the results. I don't want to be around people more dull than me but at the same time I want to be better. So either way it's a good thing. But for some reason when I saw him today, I was angry. But I can not let him get the better of me. No matter, at least the only thing I can take away from this is, "I don't care, whatever" lol. You know what? That so didn't answer my question. He doesn't even have the years right. Or does he? We'll see and test how much I can remember. Goodness what's with the noise.

Lets consider what I have to do, I should at least ..

Bring mgmt back text and all so I can figure out old test answer and thoes answers won't matter if I don't get the answers right on the next one. So lets do that.

The two FIRE classes I have more than enough to study off the notes.

Finish the marketing surveys. For some reason today I been spelling marketing with a g. weird.

Do outline and Phil paper 5 with discussion.

I really want to visit kitty this week. I miss the little bugger. It's all such a delacate balance.

It's all really taking a toll on me, really testing and driving my pacients to the limit. Oh god tell me what am I to do? I really do need a sign now. Is this a test my my temptation? I can tell you he's really a turn off. If that's what should happen I can tell you it's working. He's an arsehole. No wonder he has no friends. I can see why.

Oh ye I almost forgot that I have some pumpkins to chop up to get it all out of me. Maybe it will do me some good to do some choppin. November chopin that is XD I will figure it out, have faith. May I be guided. Thanks for trying. And oh ye, yay finally some airtime minutes, thankies =) I am greatful.

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