Wednesday, October 8, 2008


October 8, 2008

Love: The Moon
Touchstone: The Emperor
Career: The Hanged Man

-->You'll be able to keep that flood of emotion under control today. The Emperor is giving you the determination to turn your personal plans into reality and lay down lasting foundations for your relationships, whereas the Moon is developing your sensitivity and imagination. In your efforts to charm, you don't hesitate to show how original you can be, dear mel. But underneath that eccentric exterior, people can tell there beats an honest heart that's looking for a stable relationship. In terms of work, your to-do list gets longer and longer thanks to the demands of those around you. Under the influence of the Emperor, your colleagues or clients come over all rigid and demanding, and this tends to hamper your freedom of action. Don’t be tempted to rebel against this sudden authoritarianism: try to do as others tell you without flinching, because despite all appearances, this will all contribute to eventually stabilizing your position.

I do feel much more stable now. Not so desperate and out of control. I do feel much better now. I must be witty and charming. There beats an honest heart that's looking for a stable relationship. I really wish there was. My to do list does get longer and longer. Hope it's not too demanding. But I do have a quiz to do. But it's not due till later. But I should try to get it done as soon as possible. Guava does taste a little funny, it sure doesn't look the way I expected it to. But it does taste like one. I'm just upset that I got charged for a call that someone didn't pick up. I mean okay if it went to voice but it did go to voice right away and charged me 5 cents more than a usual call would. Rediculous. I still knew there was a good chance no if I stayed long enough. But I still thought nothing of it. Then run into him again and goodness for once said something nice which makes me feel all warm and fuzzies. So polite. And I will leave that be. Just be you and not what others want for you will then never be happy with yourself.

I think in general I do like this scope. I think I can use this in the long run for most occasion. But I seem very tired right now like I need to take a nap. Yet I do not really want to eat. But I feel I should. But I can wait until later to eat something. For now I just want to take a nap... Okay or not. I ended up doing the quiz and I was thinking I would get a lot more worng, but it turned out okay. One worng, so disapointed. But still better than I had hoped.

My god it's Rain too XD He looks so good with short hair. Who knew he could pull it off. Haha got all the eye candy I need for some time now. So dashing in the suit. Can't say I like angst much, but still so cute.

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