Thursday, October 9, 2008


I can feel it starting to consume me. I am trying to be productive so you can be proud of me. Some things have a way of backfireing me. But it's best to tell less about yourself. You never know what can come out and if somethings can come back to haunt you. But I don't think it will get anywhere far. As much as I long for, I know I have a gut feeling it won't go anywhere. I will leave it be now. I leave it in the Lords hands. I wonder about Jesus. Is he someone I can turn to? It can't hurt to try. He's more human anyways or at least he should know what it's like being one of us. But just to love and expect nothing more. I think I can do that. You think this image best describes the situation or knows how I feel? It's nice though. But try to be understanding. Be pacient. Be compasionate. Be what others can not be. Be what they need you to be for them and yet be yourself. Love thoes who can not love themselves. Don't try to understand something you can never understand, but then again neither can he. I am starting to feel better already. He's just so difficult to read. I pray for thee.

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