Sunday, October 5, 2008

War of Words

Goodness, not even I can deny it at this point.

October 5, 2008
Tarot reading for mel:

Love: The Tower
Touchstone: The Empress
Career: The Chariot

-->You're not in the mood to mince words today, spurred on as you are by the alliance of the Empress and the Tower. Anyone who dares to criticize you will suddenly find themselves on the receiving end of a few home truths. You don't really have the confidence to win this dangerous war of words, dear mel, but you just can't stop yourself from "telling it like it is." Let's hope your loved ones will forgive you.

Creepy I just got off the phone with him and there it is.

cont.. In the work sphere, you have the energy and the drive that are needed to push your projects forward. The Empress, which here symbolizes the social aspects of your professional environment, seems to be open to any suggestions. So all you need to do is show courage and determination in order to promote your arguments and to lead your Chariot where it seems appropriate. Whatever your exact circumstance, you should know that you have what it takes to get people on your side.

Your Horoscope - Today, October 5, 2008
A project, which you're rather excited about, could require some intense work alone today, melly. You might sometimes feel as if the four walls are closing in on you, but you need to concentrate in order to get the best possible results. You'll also need to take occasional breaks in order to clear your head. Nonetheless, at the end of the day you're likely to be quite happy with what you've accomplished. Go to it!

For my sake, I really do hope so.

So like I said before, I just got off the phone with the little punk. Sometimes I do really wonder why I do like him. Do I really like him all that much or is it something else? Maybe I am to see how different we are. How it just isn't the way I imagine. But I still do like him. Not like he did anything too horrible. He's still very sweet. Some what surprisingly considerate? But I really don't know what you are thinking. So what do I do with him? What do I do with such a bean? Or maybe nothing at all. So lets take care of myself, but I do need to later do some damage con troll. So lets not worry, not like I need him anyways. But it's always best not to let anyone know what you are really thinking or feeling. I can't get that close to him. I just can't. So lets keep it really. There's only one love for me on this earthly world. But it was so close that I slipped. But I held back. Be careful with what you say.

Last night was different. For some reason he seemed sincere. And for some really I really liked him for that. So sweet. But who knows. So silly. But there are still things that are so different and even so, it can never be. You gotta protect yourself. Now is not the time. I wouldn't be able to take it again. Even now it's difficult.

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