Thursday, October 30, 2008


Aww shiets, how can I do so poorly, I kinda want to know which questions I got worng so I can fix it for next time. But to have the class avg at 40/50 and I only got a 42/50 and was that like the same as last time? Or just one better? Aww shet and I didn't even study as much last time. How can I do so shiety. I can only guess I did get the two mixed up. Aww craps or I shouldn't have changed it which I will never know the answer to that or maybe changing the answer did give me back that one point. okay it's offocial, he's gey lol. No matter, checked scope and it saids You will not give up or back down easily. For some reason the score did not deter me. I'm not sure why. I do need to change something, I got the same freaking score. *sigh* Gotta change something. Something needs to be different. One thing at a time for now. I do it all for me now. I still gotta work for it. Can't be like him. Jerk waste my minutes and then skip out on class? How rediculous. What's going on in his head? Something has to change this time for sure. So it starts today, one day at a time. As long as I know I did try my best, whatever result I get. But I really want to do well and not have to kick myself. I did try this time. But I think I could have still done a little bit more. If I got 4 more questions right I could be so much more contest. So how just 4 questions can cause you so much pain.

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