Monday, October 20, 2008

expect the unexpected

Daily Planetary Overview
With the Moon trine Uranus today, expect the unexpected. You will have to adapt to changing circumstances. There will be a lot of instability today but also excitement. You may have a feeling of restless anticipation for reasons you cannot pinpoint.

Your Horoscope - Today, October 20, 2008
When faced with ten entrees on the menu, it may be hard for you to choose just one. Feel free to order two or more, melly. Don't let indecisiveness slow you down. At the same dime, don't view it as something negative. The key for today is to go with the flow. Expand your dreams as far and wide as you wish. Have fun as long as you are willing to take full responsibility for your actions.

And I just had that thought about the unexpected and out this pops out. I think I did read this before but thought nothing much of it and out pops him out of the blue about wanting to be friends. I should go see some people today. I don't feel much like talking now, but I just want to get it all over with. I didn't expcet to see him either but there he was biking in front of me and then I caught a climsp of him on the way down. Then the whole free housing thing kinda freaked me out a bit. But we;ll see where that leads if anywhere. Free may I add again.

Love: The World
Touchstone: The Hanged Man
Career: Temperance

-->Today, you’re in no mood to declare your undying devotion to your partner, mel. The conjunction of the Hanged Man and the World puts you in a bad position for making sacrifices or concessions. You keep your distance rather than get too involved, and you prefer light-heartedness to stability. You must act as you think best, but take care not to hurt those close to you with your fickle attitude. In your work environment, you are seriously hampered by a lack of freedom, and this is causing you a great deal of frustration. Temperance and the Hanged Man show that you are trying hard to adapt to the situation, but that the slightest provocation might have you storm out of the office. Unless you really feel it is worth making that supreme effort, don’t propose any sacrifices which you will only regret later.

Sure there is no undying devotion today. But I do want to just get it over with. So what does that all mean? But it does say to keep my distance. Okay, so I just drop it off and then go. I do know my situation and I got lots of craps to take care of today. It be better if he didn't even pick up. So I will let that tell me what I should do. omg lolx for the love part, I sure hope I don't act out some fantasy, but maybe the soup thing is as close as it gets. But it didn't say what would happen if I did lol Okay so it saids I like to beat around the bush. Whoever writes this stuff is really good not as in accurate, but can find a way to make it apply to people. And you wouldn't be looking at it if you were not looking for answers or explainations. So it's all good, it makes me feel better for the most part and I can prepare and TRY to expect.

Oh well what to do now. So lets get back and try to get something done, pack up and leave. And on a side note, the chicken barcon was tasty when toasted. So the battle plan for today. I looked at the disguession. Make mental and real notes on the Phil paper 4. And well. But that's after I pack up. Call the jerk and then call bot pau. Then do my deliveries and get back to work. Oh ye, and then check on Troy. Just suck it up and do it. You waited long enough. Don't be so irresponsible. Still the idea of mikey the player turn poker player is still kind of sureal. I'm still really bothered by everything and am really antsy. Lets see if I feel better later.

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