Wednesday, October 15, 2008

They are Bad Bad Bad, But they are Pretty, But Bad

Okay that was a crap shoot lol oh such a waste. Not much of a phone fella. Jerk ^^ But always be mindfull that like myself, I don't always realize what I am saying or at least I don't think it through first. So don't take too much meaning into what I say and always like hidden meaning lol Sure you shouldn't be like a communication major if you like hidden meanings so much? But to tell me none of my business???!!! arse! I would have taken any responce but that one. Hut young jung!

Oh they are working on chemistry. I so don't miss it. And what should I work on? So after reading the email of the robbery thing I really don't feel much like walking around now. Or at least stay away from groups of people or just other people in general. But so far it has been an interesting week. File you nails to reduce breakage. Noted. And moisturise, but I wash my hands too much. Isn't there a moisturiser for like nurses? I really like her, very cute and you can tell she is really into what she is doing.

Last night was really a crap shoot. I don't even want to mention it. But is it really more trouble than it's worth? But like bramh saids, it's the annoying people that we learn the most from. They are the ones that are constantly testing us, pushing us to our limits. There is no one really we can like everything about them. But this all can be a major test of pacients. Lets just listen and think about it. Make it clear what you say is from what your own perspective and nothing more. Just because they have to be an arse, doesn't mean you have to be like that. It's what not to be. Don't need to understand others. But have compassion. Don't let one action determin or define a persons character. It's one of the many things they are. I wonder if it's all an act just to get to a destination. Very frustraiting. But it is because I wanted it to go a certain direction, but it wasn't going the way I want to. See once again I am trying to controll the situation. I can not say for others, but I can account for my own actions and only analyse them and not others. What are the chances I meet someone like that...

On a side note. Oh he is so ickies, so tiny and dirty blond. Just plain ick and sicklie looking.

... distraction ^^ I am still somewhat moody. But it did help me realize how thin the walls were. For some reason I thought they were thick. But then again it's school, they are not going to give you nice walls lol cheapos. But just because they are, doesn't mean I have to be. So have I decided what I am going to do? I had this evil plan I was going to trow back what he gave me. Maybe to teach him a lesson. But for some reason knowing he's older and seems to be better than me in every way scares me. But after yesterday, I can feel a part of myself set free. I will ride of myself of it and free myself from this hold. See it was a crush. Just realize it and don't act on it. For I really think it was part of the deal. But you wouldnt want me to help right? Everything is pointing to the direction of mindfulness and compassion.

So what's in a day? I take care of the Atwood email stuff, check on Barb, then a smoothie to calm me down and something to nibble on. Oh ye then go see if they really don't sell phone cardes here. I need to plan better, but I owe Ian a call anyways. Go through class. Then really need to start to think about topics for estate and questions for management and start to churn out Phil. Just printed a bunch of stuff, forget that it's not double sided printing here. My bad. But I shall keep that in mind for next time. Remember to silently listen, but it doens't mean you can't express your oponion or have to keep it to yourself. Oh ye, gotta set a meeting with Troy, tomorrow. Lets see how far this takes me.

Honestly, I really can't tell with him. I mean seriously. But then again I only see one side of him. It's not my job to figure him out but to accept him for who he is as this can't be figured out person lol Fun Fun, I know some interesting people. I have logical reasons and I will fight him on it. I will not accept unacceptable behavior. But then again, if I just want to get a point across don't think he's stupid, maybe people afterall can be moved by compassion...

Oh yay just peeped at Econ Hw and it looks like it's in order, but not too happy that it has two lines and might have to do the runs for both numbers.

... I sure like to get side tracked. It's not like I have not tried to change people in that old way and it has not worked. Plus, I get the same song it's not helping. So don't then. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just. You know there's nothing you can do to help. Just have faith and listen in content. For al of us in our darkest moment, just wants someone to listen.

Guess it's like pictures even the most handsome abd pretty has bad angles. It's really how you choose to look at them. Like how choose not to save the not so flattering images and only the ones I find pleasent. Like you can pick and choose qualities you like and either focus on either one or another. Can we every see things for what they are? Can we accept what is not perfection in our eyes? I know I am starting to get off topic.

Maybe it really is about time I unlock some compassion. To have faith and believe in the goodness in people and in yourself. Sometimes we are all about ones self, and other times we forget about ourself. Is it really that we know ones self the best and know what is best for ourself? I do hope so I will do the right thing in the best interest for myself and others around me. I know what happens will be as it should be. I will be able tow rok with what I have. Even now technically. But do I sometimes set myself up for failure? What is true failure is the thought of it. It's not even an option. My dear Rain. The story of my Life.

You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it

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