Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happiness in Misserie

And so I got off the phone and he ends it with I'll call you tonight. And I would usually answer with a what for? But I guess it doesn't matter what the reason is. Friends can call for whatever reason for all I care. But I don't call for no reason and most guys don't do anything for no reason because they don't waste time (especially this one) and are goal objective oriented. Who knows and who cares. Best of us can find happiness in misserie. I don't care what you think. But at least I got the answer I expected. I'll let sim know when to come get me tomorrow. It's not too late tomorrow and we'll see how much I can get done. I got the crapy paper due. I would get back at 10 or at least close to it. Oh great the arsehole closes the window now I'm going to freeze to death. Shinae can punch out an 6 page essay and get an A and why can't I? It's rediculous why I can't do as well no more. Why WHY why. The new KCLD player is really cool. I'm not sure what silverlight is, but I like it. It's pretty and has some sparkle and flair to it.

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