Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh Dear

Sometimes I do wonder what in the freaky deaky world an I thinking? It's better to make a friend then an enemy like daddy saids. But I don't need to worry about such things. If people don't take the incicative, then it's their loss. I did try to do my part.

Okay now I know freaking blind lol And has bad taste. Must becareful. CAn't be serious that finds any of that attractive. Rediculous. I know it's going to be a bad day when you run into something like that so early in the morning. Be observant.

Now wondering to buy or not to. I already checked walgreens and speak of the devil. I guess I could, it's only $2 and maybe it can help my scrubbie face when I don't use the other scrub or use it in combination because I really do get flakie. Okay so it's decided I go get that taken care of after I hope back into the room to organize something and then buy it then dash off the the library. That's the plan of attack. Gogogo!

Okay so the library plan did not work out so well. And I get some gossip in. But overall I think it went pretty well. There's something about that I admire too. His work ethics. A little rough around the edges, and the smell. But over all a good person. So hungie but I got 30mins. And goodness getting cold. I hope to be able to learn something from. Both are like that, so frustraiting. Wonder if it's a front they put up. But this one is a more friendly front. Maybe the cold is a sign to leave. Today scope doesn't say much of anything this week. So many it's a slow week. No drama or anything. It's a good thing.
No matter. So what's the plan now? I put everything away, put on face, and then boogie on down to Garvy. By the time we get done it might be late and do the docorating for an hour or so. Start notes on Phil paper and look over Econ HW4. Gotta kick arse on that one. Anything else? Gosh getting cold, better go and be back to figure out the rest later.
Okay so after that meeting it sounds like decorating may take more than an hour or so. We'll see what happens. It really depends on how many people show up to help.

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