Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Dung

Lol best friend born as a worm in a pile of shit. The worm would wiggle and rive. Leave the worm to its pile of shit. I am a fat monk but it is not my fault. I get pressured, forced, cajoled. So when it is winter, always know there is the spring comes soon. Don’t go running around. You have to run sometimes, but not all the time. Need to stop, to remind yourself, to center yourself. Learn how to stop. To heal and to grow, to get out of the shit pile.

I decided to let the poor mind rest a bit. Last night, no music or anything. Just the sweet bitter silence. I need to put myself at ease so when I need to I can have the ability to do things when I need to. So what about now? I feel better today, much better. So I been turned down. Oh well. His lost, but it just what might be the thing that's saving me a bunch or trouble. But looking ahead lots to do next week and the poor little bugger isn't feeling well. It's best he get some rest anyways. Whatever the reason is it doesn't matter. But it doesn't mean I can't be positive about it anyways. I'm not so positive about econ though. I'm not sure what to do about it now, but Lord has given me time so I must use it wisely. I would go to bible study if I could, too bad I can't. But has thing been better since it? I can't tell yet. But it's all going the way it should be. So lets not thing too much or try to controll things. Things tend to work better if you let it be so enjoy the ride. And on a side note, he's kinda cute ^^

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