Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stuck in Dung Again

Be nice and get hit my lighting. Be nice get nothing nice in return. It's not like I ask for anything ncie or anything at all. I just don't want crap. No more shiet please?? I know it tests me and drives my pacients. Rediculous. He is always complaining about something. Stupid. Now he got me into a bad mood. Oh how many times do I need to play it all out in my mind. How I just want to smack him. I am really starting to resent him. But image if you were that person you dispise so much. But all of it be brings on to self. No one to blame but himself. Now I must conroll how I feel. Never let anyone affect how you feel. I can feel the pain, all you do seems for nothing. Nnd not only is it for nothing, you just get crap. Why won't just shut up? Why? What you say that? I will not change anything for anyone. The wond runs deep like the rip in my nail. Don't be lazy and just fix it. Don't pick at it. Don't be constantly reminded of it. Leave it alone. Be greatful you are not that person. You can't put a price on education, nor can you put a price on time. You are just better off spending it. But in reality it's really more competition. But because of the way I am, I assist the competition. I do have a realization, I see the end and I don't like it. So I need to cut this story short. No attachments, I will be compasionate, but I will not take crap from anyone, not even from him. No I will not take it.

But just looking at this really makes me not want to type it all out. Even if I did I don't want him to have any of it. But I guess it can't hurt to try. It's the loard giving me a chance to fix me feet, deal with him, and try something new. Else lord knows I can't type and talk at the same time. Thank you.

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