Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh JJ Lin

Oh suck a sceen from painted skin and them today bumped into some chography stuff. And so here I am today, not sure what to do. the more I think the more I have to doa nd I so need some soda but I am not that hungie right now. But I know I wilkl have to eat and this face thing is really stressing me out. So what to do. But the spelling isn't important as longa s I know what it's saying. SO much crap to print out and more crap to get donw before all gell breaks lose. So I am running out of room on the comps school space, so I need to clean it up and only save the stuff I need. Oh I hate him. I do really hope I don't have to see him. So bother some. I can't focuse like him. But it's funny my dear JJ he has a song in English and also one in canto which is kinda fun but the English one is kinda of sad. I want toe at chips, and yet I don't want to. I feel dry. The Canto song is about the choices. Is it really a cuisidance that the song is called the Choice is Yours? It's kinda creepys when today I don't know what's going on. I just know I am still tired and feeling less productive than ever. I feel as I am scared of something and maybe it's the lack of prepare for it. I need to get over this feeling and get things done. But scope saids that I should be able to get things done lets get started by eating first. But I don't want to print here because it's not two sided printing and I will freak out with 3 pages of print. It's better I don't know what he's saying. It's true when they say innorance is bliss. It's just nice and I will accept it as it is and be content. I do need to stop by the room sonner or later, or not. I don't really feel like popin back out or do I? I had 400 mins and I have already used up half of it. I do want to listen to JJ, but maybe it's best I spend some time to focus. Well I will see what I can done and I can try both and do what's most effective.

So lets see what to do now.. Not be too concerned, it's a test after all. Stop by bookstore quick for a snack maybe, but I do have enough to eat for now, but for the sake of peeping so I can thing is I want to tomorrow. Just focus on yourself first of all. I do want to print off craps. Oh yays so I made some room on the desktop and now I decided to print out marketing because I need to. The rest can wait for later if I decide to go out of not tomorrow will be fine too. So now the plan of attack... Go peep at the bookstore first, then to burger and get a burger or two. Then find a nice warm snugglie spot to get reading done and to spot check notes. It's still early. I need to read out load so I have to go through the text but crap I don't have it with me. Oh hmm.. So either way I need to go back. So go over notes now and go over book in the room or in some cover in the lab will do, I don't like the room or the kitchen =.=

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