Saturday, October 25, 2008

Enjoying his Dung

He really does like rolling around in his pile of shit. You try to get your friend out of his shiet but won't leave it. You can't force someone, but you can't say I didn't try. It was really driving my pacients. Just like the other freak so many issues. What you want me to do? If you are not going to fix it then why are you freaking troubleing me with it? Rediculous. I don't know they expect of me besides to listen. That's all I can do. For how I got through my own issues it was through other peoples stories and realizing gosh my life isn't that bad. I know I can get it together. Without fail. How hope they all will find their own way as well. As we all have to take our own paths. To loves thoes even if yo do not posses it. It's thoes that need it the most. To be content with what you have. Consider it all a test, a trial we all have to go through.

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