Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oddish Truckload of Dung

Been a long time since I cam across that word. And with a name like that you know you can't forget it.

And such an arsehole. But I take it as a sign. Especially when it was so clear and from the Lord. I more or less expected it. So gey. But so am I. I did kinda wanted to go out. But I know it won't expectations. So it's better I don't. So to consider the option of going out with LuLu. But lets not think about it now. I have other more pending things I need to take care of. And pressing issues. So take it down one at a time. Taro is telling me to keep to myself today. I will try so I can get all that I need to get done. I shall not seek out others. Lets just keep everything very vauge. Even if I don't extend housing. I can always crash at lulu's place. But that last part can be the lulu thing and he called me stupid. Bad memories. But try not to take it personally. OH bad thought. That would so caused a scene. That is not the way. I can not go down that path again. I can not take that direction. Although I wished I could say that, but I know I don't have it in me to do so. So let it go. Like everything else just learn to let it all go. The more you desire and long for something, the more pain it will cause you. You need to like the artical saids, gurad your heart. I know I have not been doing a good job. But I promise to keep you safe. No more going out of your way, no more. Can get it once ask for it. Else you do it on your own. I am no saint nor can I be like jesus. For I am me. That's all I can be. And once again so gey and so am I. I'll leave it at that for now.

Okay so that line I don't know why it doesn't want to go down. maybe it's the image screwing things up. The road to hell is paved with good intension. It's very true. You mean well and somehow it's all worng. You should cherish everything even if you don't possess it. Depersonalize everything.

So all this was part of something that didn't work and so I moved it and problem or what was not a problem more a mere obsitcal solved. Simplicity. I am starting to feel better, but I feel the need to clean myself up. I think I will feel much better after that. So the plan of attack for today. I need notes for the phil paper and then more less oh first look up estate book and find thoes 3 steps to solve the problem. For the rest, you need to get at least one done in order to get a java chip you got it? I know you want one. So get cracking and I will get you one. Gogogo

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