Thursday, October 9, 2008


Did it was it was outragious to be charged 25 cents for a call that went straight to voice mail? I keep forgeting to ask him. Lets not depend on him and do things on your own. I don't need him nor will I ever want him. He can go wallow on his own. I am not bitter, but it helps to get me through this. This is technically the second time. Think I have learned my lesson yet? How many times does it take? How many times must I break before I shatter? How many times can I break till I shatter? He's a night owl anyways and I like morning doves. I can make a list all I want and it will say what I already know. Just too different. You just can't bring people from two worlds together, only if it was god's will then I will not deny him. I will not fight it nor will I chase after it. Only take opertunities. It's always back to you.

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