Sunday, October 5, 2008


And suddenly out of the blue and mesage from him. I didn't know what to think. I was thinking of him, but it's so unexpected. I was in no hurry to reply him. Why are you messing with me or testing me? What am I to do..

Why was there no warning of this? Should I be so distressed? Actually I am handeling this pretty well. At least better than I expected. So now I got more and more issues. Should I just put it all on the back burner till I can figure this out? So many things to do. So lets start on something before I freak out. Almost all the things I don't need to do are done.

After listening to some of this, I'm starting to want to go now. Oh what to do. Please send me a sign will you? But so much. And then he shows up too. Goodness what's with everyone today? Is it something with the moon today? Or it could be the weather. Okay so I give him like 6 more mins to answer else I'm outta here. Because 10mins is more then enough and I gotta pee ^^ And no reason to make the words so small when I'm the one that has to read it. Why make it so hard on yourself? I don't know what he wants. Just some company I guess. But it's none of my concern. I just want to be a good friend and I spazed on him. I'm sorry. It seems so much easier now days to say. I guess I do have him to thank.

It's funny how the unexpected happens.

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