Friday, October 17, 2008

So Demanding

Love: The Sun
Touchstone: Strength
Career: The Chariot

-->Today, you’ll be expressing your love with the help from the card of Strength and the Sun, dear melly! Your special relationship will gain intensity and passion, regardless of whether you’ve been together for a long time or not. And yet, such intensity always carries an element of risk. Maybe you’re asking too much – by wanting to have constant reassurance? Try to be less demanding. That way you’ll avoid one potential source of conflict. At work, your dynamic approach and your authority could cause you to overstep the mark so that your business partners or colleagues will start to question their relations with you. Strength and the Chariot make up an explosive cocktail that’s hard to handle! Try to calm your inner fire, whatever it takes, in order to avoid all forms of conflict with your environment.

Maybe I am too demending nd I am asking too much and want to be constantly reassured. So about yesterday it seems to be all signs pointing to direction and so I went to BibleStudy. Which wasn't so bad. But I say the same for this keyboard ^^ But I do want to get all this craps done and then start on cleaning.

Okay so that wasn't so bad. I get fishies taken care of and then start printing and scanning. It's all about prevention if there's is no need then if I can prevent it then I will. I will adapt. You will see.

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