Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why always look so stressed out? I did pretty well yesterday with getting things done. Hopefully today will be better. And you think you can give me more work and not pay me? WFT? You both can go to hell for suggesting it and not doing squat.

Apathy, opposite of love is not giving a damn...

It so hurts and bothersom between there. I don't even know where the bump comes from. It's so irritating. I need to put something on it. I so want some meat and cheese. I really don't care at this point. I am just cold again. Hopefully they end up paying someone for the site. I don't care either way. I have lost interest in this. Starting to feel indifferent. My eyes are dry from all the AC constantly being on. The thing is stupid and messed up. The messages all semed to stop at the same time. The suspecion will always be there. I get comfort in hoping they find something they are happy with. But I can't expect myself to be happy in the mean time. I just can't fully trust and it leads to other optential issues. For now, lets work on myself. On a side not lost my SSN card. It sucks. No one is to blame, but I was sure upset. Have to jump though some hoops and some things to worry about on the side. It is what it is. The bump is rather ajitating and compounded with the cold really doesn't help. Because if my reaction yesterday, I was a hour late. I must always keep my cool, so slip ups like that don't happen.

-Cream bump
-Paint nail
-Toss arrange cloths

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