Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Lure

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fishing lures and among others. Just received email about things that have been out bidded. Oh well, I still think there's about half that still have winning offers. I was just looking at images, or not really sure how it came about, just clicking on people KS95 has interviewed and ran into David Archuleta and thought this the hair I want to go for. Though still has some growing to do. But it's the look I want and I think can reasonably pull off. And then I need to find a way to condition my hair or I will have to chop it off. It's getting a little too stringy at the bottom.

From mt exchanges, I realize how white the world is. No matter my own breath and depth, it's still the color. It's still white.

I bet, I just got a feeling that someone is oversleeping. This weekend overall not too bad. I mean it started out rough. I mean really rough. But it didn't seem to phase me much. I am not sure why. But I was urked. I try to just brush it off. I got plenty oh things to do that this just goes on the way side. An interting thought crossed my mind while on my way there that whatever happens, I will no be happy. I really don't think anything can apease me. I will find something that bothers me. My soda has lots most of it's air and homph. I know I am crumblie, but it can't be helped, and it gives me something to do. I really don't have much time left, I don't want to spend it bitter and arguing. Not like there is going to be much time for arguing either when it comes down to it. So why not pass the time more gleefully? I just try not to think about it and let it run like water off a bird's back.

Had an interesting pooing session. It came out heavy and sticky. I did feel better afterwards. But I more or less also had an icky sandmach. It had been sitting there for more than 4 days. So I think that's average. But it did taste a smuge bit funny.. So the things I need to work on today. I know I just can't be bothered by things I can not control and where the answer doesn't matter. It's not like I can't come up with the same answer as well. So I already know the answer. Is it really all that important to be right? Things I want to get done today.

-Repot plant
-Bake a bread
-Change phish water
-Ask about ear buds
-Condition hair
-Cleaning in general

Tomorrow - toss foodies

I can feel myself getting tired of sandmaches, but it could be today I had a funky one =/

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