Thursday, July 8, 2010


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

At this point, I really don't feel like writing emails. I mean I want to think I have done a few things, and yet time passes by so slowly. I just checked the site, most of it goes in circles so it looks like there is more than there actually is. So it helps to make the site look busy and boring at the same time. So I tried, the rest I can not care. I recall yesterday before going to sleep some things I want to be done.

-Pot flowers
-Change pillow case

I know there are other things, but I just can't find it now. I am in pain right now, I think too much coc also did a number on the tummy. I am not sure, maybe it was the salty sandmach. I really don't feel much like eating and I am once again feeling rather bloated and head is itchy. I am not sure if it's the pillow case, but I should change it anyways.

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