Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gloomy - Bent Out of Shape

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Goodness, someone is sure anal. I need to be more careful. I find that I better clear things with Jer than Tod. Rather useless eh? I guess someone mentioned how we can't use this address helps. So it makes scene now. Yay for them filling me in. I find myself wanting to still mention things because I don't want to see like I don't know what's really going on. But that may give heads up and give more time to plan ahead. In a way I do this just to test myself in a way. More and more I find myself not caring. Even this week with the .. I don't even bother. As if I am tired of it all and here it goes again.

-Pot Flowers
-Plant Cat Nip
-Dig out Kraft Pasta Reci
-Sams membership

I have been feeling fat of late. It could be because all I do is sit at work all day. Has really been working for a month and a half really taken a tole on the body? I also read some things that are startling and is freaking me out and also with my weight gain. They make it sound so simple, but I guess when things are going well, you don't really have to mention anything. The thought of it really scares me. Got to stay safe and ease of clean up. It is really stories like those freak me out. I am really weak, I can't even swing my legs without getting tired. I really need to start working out. It's nice to stretch. It feels nice to burn. And as much effort it takes to eat an apple, I have recalled the tastiness of the apple. maybe too much apple juice has made me forget how tasty they are. Is Sams just stupid? I am asking about the name on the card. And the jerk changed it again. What is with it? Then again, knows nothing on this end. So far nothing too incriminating. But you only need to find one thing and everything blows up on you. At this point, I think I know what I need to do. For the most part, the less I know, the better off I am. But so far, been over a year and still alright. Though it gets more or less frequent and I worry on that end. Else, I need to find ways to easy my mind. There are times when I think things happen or are done because of me, but that's not the case usually. Really it's not. But if I had not read it, I may have just continued on.

Work was just stupid. The comp freaks out because of some stupid virus which who doesn't have antivirus? Stupid, just pure stupid. I think better off just calling techgen on this. I don't need to be bothered so much. Plus, I can learn by seeing.

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