Thursday, July 8, 2010


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Enrique Iglesias : Euphoria, I was just looking this up because I just saw it on facebook, and then there is it playing on 101.3. Is that not an apple on the head moment or what? I was looking at cloths and makeup again. It was very tempting, but it also reminded me of the cloths and makeup that I already have and need to get rid of. I know it's going to take time to go through, but it's going to be a long process and just toss bits at a time. Lots of little things to do.

-ask about ear buds
-bake a bread
-print out list
-check when post was made

I hope that plant is okay. Lets try not to use so many buts. Whatever happens, happens. No harm. One less thing to take care of. So lets not worry about it. Hey, I think I can maybe use the socks to cover up the sun flowers. So that's some use, not like I can really wear them. I seem to be waiting for something. I am not sure what I am waiting for.

He sure sucks as an asset manager. I could do a better job. I need to get some ham. I miss the nice stalty meaty taste of ham. Healthy is getting boring at this point. At this point, I only got an hour left. So I need to decide on what I need to do. Tomorrow, I guess I could get a sub if I can remember to print out a coupon and I still want to drop by for a $2 meal deal.

They did help to pass the last hour, and we find out he was off to do hemoriod surgery.

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