Thursday, July 8, 2010


More things to do. Should be more productive today. Can try to print this out it's a Dove coupon. If not me, for someone you know that lives off this stuff.

Also a snake bag to print out. Though not sure where to get one.

And also pencil offer

~How I Wish~
#HowToBeAGoodBF - Easy, be a real man. In control & attentive, secure & sensitive, say what you'll do, do what you say, accept all.

Do not associate with those who always insist upon change"... what do you think it means? It's Prov 24:21

~All the Little Things~

-Pack suckers
-Phish meds
-Dig out shorts
-Wrap zon
-File nails

I thought about grabbing some tea, but not going to be around tomorrow so that helps to decide when I can grab a drink. I don't really like how the hair feels right now, but it looks alright. And Isaiah Mustafa is sure a masclin name. I am sure I can be an ideal man. I would makea good man. I should be hungie, yet I don't feel much like eating for whatever reason. I don't want to give myself whatever reason to distress about things. I have so much blog updating to do it's not even funny. The date I add it is not that big of a deal, it's just as long as I got the relative date correct.

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