Thursday, July 8, 2010


Thursday, July 1, 2010

That's what I really feel like now. Today I think is going to be more or less a fruit day. I am so craving italian dunkers. I think it's a simple enough thing that I can make on my own.

I just went on a rant that I think went on for at least an hour. After reading another artical about a dram filled unfaithful bf, my head just filled with bitter resentment. But this kept my mind off it for a bit,

I try to calm myself and not to be prissy as things do not go the way I want. Usually after a rant, I just get too tired to care. Like I don't even want to bother with it anymore. It's not worth my time. I am really experience anger and the usualy challenges that usually come along with it.

Okay, so I was just in the bathroom and I hear like a door open outside. I assume it's one of the two, but I pop out just to see one of the cabinate doors ever so slightly open. Could it have opened on it's own? But I need to start thinking what I am going to eat tomorrow. Is that one silly samdmach enough? I still got the apple. I need to remember to take back the trash. I should also grab some doggie food. I am not very hungie now. Through I think I should be. I did have some snakes and lots of watermelona dn a bp baar and some chips. I think that was it.

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