Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Impending Doomage

Monday, July 19, 2010

Thank you both for taking the time to interview me this morning. I am very excited about the opportunity as well as the possibilities.

Given my experience, I feel that I am an excellent fit for this position naturally. I feel that this career move will allow me to use my talents, creativity and experience in a way that will help me and your business thrive.

Again, thank you for the time this morning, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Malia Maley

Kim Schmidt []

Sounds pretty serious doesn't it? But we shall see if this goes anywhere. Everyone is looking out for themselves. How am I going to eat then? We will see if this goes anywhere.

Wendy Salad...

Dole Salad.. zip code 02760

Pulled pork...

Peanut sauce...

Oh the many things to be done today...

-Feed fish
-Toss cloths
-Look over recipe book

The way we look...

Not sure if there is much to say, really kind of blowing in the wind at this point. At the same time I don't dare to look and set anything up without being sure. Yet when will I know?

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