Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Better Days

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Something to lookup. 4chan

I have had better days, but I guess this will do. I will take this. There has been things that has been troubling me. But I think it's the same old thing. I have more or less have spurts of butter anger and resentment and then there are times of uncaring. It maybe better if I had my own thing going and just not consider it in the equation. There are times I know of hardship and what should I do then? Should I do nothing? Should I walk away and leave them be? Should I help, but it's so hard at times and I get negative reactions and hurt myself in the process. Do I see the end game in all this? I don't really have time to make this trip. I need to find a way to make it happen and keep it within the perameters. We shall see. I have also learned that for a very specific coupon, there's no need to print it out as the likelyhood of me using it is none for the next 2 weeks I think. At least yesterday I got more cloths tossed away. Though I still feel the closet is still small, but cozy. Scope is telling me that there is going to be conflict. Yet it may not be such a bad thing. Taro is saying today won't be bad at all. That I don't need to go searching and that have a good footing. Also I have have the right reactions.

I still have a month to figure things out. Who knows what may appear in that time. So lets figure out what I need to be doing today.

-Feed fish
-Toss more cloths
-Print and wrap zon
-Bring water and peanut

And on a side note, boy does microwave pizza sure taste bad. It was by far one of the worse ones I have tasted.

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