Thursday, July 8, 2010

Poker Face

Friday, June 25, 2010

Yesterday was pretty fun, Actually caught an ep of Glee and it was a fun show. I can see why it's so popular now. It's rediculious at time and you realize how stupid the kids are. I really don't think things are really as dramatic as they really are. Maybe it's because there is really nothing going on and I have to make things happen because it gets too boring. The tag on the back of my shirt is really hurting me. I think there are things that can hurt me more. I actually got the things on the list done. So yay me. I will start on another list soon as I talk to some people to verify some things. I think I do rather work. Plus, I make the same amount in less time. So why not. Plus, more money to spend on snakes then. It maybe better not to mention things that would make others feel bad or thoughts that that affect you the same way.

~Cause and Effect~
I went to look up affect meaning to influence and effect meaning the result of and I feel I learned something today. I just hope I cam remember it. Gosh darn it! Got a big old pimple on the chin. It has been awhile since I have gotten one this big. But I think it's when I use the cleaner pads I start to break out. It has been fine since then till I started to use the pads again. But what excuse do I have now?

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