Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just Push

I just went with the first image that gave me any feeling. Scope just poped up and said { How uncanny that he/she feels the same way.. } If that was so, then I got something to work on then. Whenever you are in a bind, can always cound on Simple Plan - Your Love is a Lie to get you out ^^ But what are the chances called twice, left a massage once and nothing? Well it's not like it has not happened before. Well no matter. Eh is not as innocent as eh looks. One must always becareful not to be used. Nothing worng with helping people out, just on your own inicitive and accord. Not because you were manipulated. So no matter the result, you know you did it because you wanted to. Nothing more.

I really don't feel like working on Eviews now, but I know I really have been putting it off for a long time now. And speak of the Devil. Had an interesting talk with eh. Something about liars. So sia sum is attention to details or sensative? Or maybe it's a wee bit of both. It really is funny how one call changes everything. But do I beleive eh? But do take note that talking to em does tend to go too long. At least longer than expected. *sigh* so do hate what eh does to me, drives me insain.

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