Friday, November 21, 2008


I am in so much pain. Maybe it's all stress pain. But I am starting tog et back into Big Bang, but it's not helping me do much for I feel like I have gotten nothing done. Looking at econ is driving me nuts already. Hopefully tomorrow things will look more clear.

Supernatural was good. Oh my smexy angel. He has that cool smothering look that is to die for. But first my ankle is in pain and now left shoulder. I don't know what to do about it. But I feel like I should just cut my losses and pack it up for the day. Get some rest and hopefully tomorrow will be more productive. No, not hopefully. It will be. I will make sure it is.

I really can't be so stingy on the printing. If you really need it then print the crap out. It will all be taken care of. So please get som rest and some peace.

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