Sunday, November 16, 2008

I want to look good naked

You seem to be always in the right place at the right time and there is no need to feel regret or shame about things that have happened in the past. Turn negative experiences into lessons for a better future. Even though you may not be able to change a certain situation, you can at least change your reaction to the situation.

This is not something of sort I wanted to know. But it reasures me of something. It's something I really beleive in and try to live not just today by it, but of everyday.

Whatever you’re trying to do, the High Priestess and the Hermit slow you down and encourage you to take a break from your relentless onward course. Why? So that you can move forward all the more quickly tomorrow! You need to think hard about your approach and reflect on your working methods and relationships. Don’t worry – in the long run you’ll gain from this slowing of the pace...

I really do hope this is true. I do fell really tired of late. I really do want to get things done, but it doesn't seem to be going my way. I will try tonight.

For some reason this picture caught my eye. Maybe because he's really cute XD but can't go worng with a little eye candy. Who knew he's malaysian. He does have a really pretty face. So today got a call from Ian. I do owe him a call. I will call him back tomorrow. And also finally got a responce from one of the malays. Think it's the one I met. Either way. Have so many things to do. Oh what to do first.. So lets list them out...

Econ graphs
Estate Homework
Study for Mkrting
Phil paper 6
Malay powerpoint
Credit Default Swap

Now that they are listed and I can see them. It doesn't look so bad after all. Seems like just minor things. There is more to the list. But these are just the nagging things. And now to put them in order later.

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