Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Awful Drained as a Used Tea Bag

I am really tired. But yesterday finally got marketing book back and also a bunch of notes too which were so nice I got to admit. And the smilie face added character too which was cute and sweet. I know I have fallen for em. But I will be careful. It was worth it after all even if this was all I ever get. It was well worth it if I can get a decent grade on the test, but we shall see.

Since last night I have had 3 hours of sleep. So very tired. But somehow things worked out more or less. I am not sure. I mean I know I did miss Phil over talking to Barb, but it was for a very selfish reason. I know it was worng. I don't know what I was trying to get at but I know it was for my own cruel intensions. But maybe that's how things are to be. But not for a class when it's so close. I know I ill end up kicking myself if I missed it over attendance. Had my meeting with Sarah. I knew she was smart but not that smart with a 4.0 gpa omg.. now I feel stupid. At least I got her age right that's she's late 20's and turns out she's 29. So I hit that one. E-board meeting was quick was OTM, then Business Meeting didn't happen because of the 6 CA's getting canned. So that worked out. Then eh called and meh called. Although didn't get eh's paper to look over, did get to talk about issues that I know do bother him. It's all about uncertainity. Need to find a way to reduce it. It's his insercurties that affect me and make me worry. But eh did say I dun have to worry because I'm American. But that has nothing to do with spending how much time in school.

And the things I have to do still. Zero expectations..
  • Print out craps
  • Churn out graphs
  • Research credit default swap

True Love.. and compasion.

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