Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Will Fix This

When you Screw up and No One saids Anything
Expereince is what you get when you don't get what you wanted.
Brick walls are there to give us a shance to show how badly we want something, they are there to stop the other people.
If your index finger is shorter than your fourth finger, it means you had a lot of testosterone in utero.
Loyalty is a two way street.
You can't get there alone, beleive in good karma.
Tell the truth, Be earnest, Apologize when you screw up, Focus on others, not just yourself.
Don't bail, the best gold is at the bottom of barrels of crap.
Brick wall lets us show out detication, to seperate the ones who don't really want to achieve.
Don't complain, just work harder.
Be good at something, it makes you valuable
Find the best in everyone, no matter how long you have to wait.
Be prepared. Luck is preparation meets opportunity.

So I watched the Last Lecture. It was interesting. It had some slow parts. But overall not bad. I kinda expected something more out of it. But I went away from it with some good points. I don't feel like talking to Lulu today, she's just being nosie.

Today talked to someone today. Someone I didn't really expected for like 40minutes and I was wondering how I was going to use up that hour I had left and there it goes. See how things have a way of taking care of itself. But not like I couldn't roll over thoes minutes either. But I am proud of the way I handled it. I could have turned all jeckel and hyde on it but I am glad I didn't. At least the old me might have. Give them something they don't expect. Give them the last thing they expect and leave them speechless. Don't give them the honor of being what they expect. be the unexpected and catch them off guard. I am full of surprises. It maybe the sweetest kind of revenge. Regret. It's something I wanted at the beginning. It has been in the making for a long time. But it has finally come full circle has it? Has my pacients paid off finally? Has the seeds I planted a long time ago finally becomes something? We shall see. Finally got a real sorry. Made my makeup run. So mean. So what to do? There is nothing to do. At least it's not my concern. I got the global business thing to be more concerned about it more than that. That will work itself out.

Tomorrow I look forward to. I know I have not been eating much. But tomorrow should be fun. Get to go to Target and look for coat with simmy and get to go home. But looking at this Econ and it's not working with me right now. I really can't for the life of me remember how it works. Gosh darn it. Out of all the notebooks I can leave behind I leave the one I need. This is so not good, my back has been hurting and I am not sure from what really. I mean I sit like I usually do. But the pain.. Maybe I really do need to sit up more straight before I really do curel up into a shrimp. And at the same time I am getting really tired. But I am slowly getting stuff done. This global business stuff is really starting to bother me. I mean as of right now I know nothing. Either way it will work itself out. Get some rest self, goodnight.

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