Monday, November 10, 2008

Loveless, Hopeless

I don't beleive in Love (not the romantic kind at least). It's the sone that's on Leno right now performed by Dito. I'm myself in my room since roomy went off to a party of some sort. One of the few times I get to be in here myself. So I need to be greatful for this time. This is more of less how I feel right now. More or less indifferent. Loveless, Hopeless. Seems to be a more appropiate title. The nail NYC is so bad. I don't even want to use it again and I am so tempted to toss it. Maybe I should to save myself some trouble and time. I just noticed that no one has made fun of Obama at all. No one seems to have any kind of dirt on him. Or do they dare not to say anything bad in fear of being called a raciest.

Omg these look so good. Makein me so hungie. I am so ready for Christmas. Snickerdoodles should be tasty. The ones at Cub are nummies. But can't say the bee crackers are tasty. Thoes are just bad.

They really add color. It's nice. It's so uncomfortable to type here, but it keeps me warm.. Maybe it will help me to get this done faster. So tired, so tired for now apparent reason. Just dwelling over something I am not doing anything about. Goodnight self.

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