Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I was continplating whether if I should help or not but I don't want to get a choice out of ill will. No need for revenge. Delusion. Not sure why but I really like the hair in this one. But I don't think I got the hairline for it. But it never hurts to try.

A delusion is commonly defined as a fixed false belief and is used in everyday language to describe a belief that is either false, fanciful or derived from deception.

Karma will get the bastard. It's the one of the few things that keeps me going. Or will
it get me first? XD

I was just looking at the next Econ assignment and it looks like a tough one. I mean there are so many parts that I think this one should be worth a lot oh points. I feel cold and yet warm.

Today I think for the most part I got Estate done. And I just finished up Phil. I leave it in Gods hands now what happens to it. I think I really did try this time to put some effort into it. But somehow I feel as though I am still lacking. I do feel tired. Maybe it's a chance to take some rest. But taking breaks do help. Gives me a new perspective on things. But this week seems so long. It actually is.

It's funny how I was seeking the phone and tomorrow it mentions it. We shall see. The weekend I fear. But it should be fine. It will be here soon enough and you can worry about it then. It all comes soon enough. Care about the things that are here already before you pass you by as well. I am kind of sad that the phone is chiped. I must be careful. Cherish when it was whole.

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