Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well I guess I wasn't listening or I wasn't thinking that going to a conference that's for like 3 days wasn't it. Can take that time off to go to that thing. Well poo on him. At least the phone worked today. So at least I know there should be at least no technical problems with it for now. Else I don't know what was wrong with it. But right now I am really feeling really adjured. Really bothered. I really do not like sitting here. But not like I have much of a choice. I really do feel like moving or at least sleeping on it. But I willa fter I get through this chap and then over the equation for Estate and call it a night. It's still early I know. But I don't feel like I have gotten anything done. I am so troubled. What to do. This usually helps. Maybe I do really need to move. And I also feel the need to clean up. I am feeling really stressed out right now. So lets try to get this all done and get it over with. It will all soon be over. I can feel myself freaking out. Soon soon it will all before you know it. I dont' want you to regret anything. I know if I can get the tough stuff down tonight, the memorizing can happen tomorrow in the morning and I snag some candy. After tomorrow things will be better. I am starting to keep on top of things better. Even to my surprise got Econ started and graphs all punched out and marketing notes punched out as well. I am just nice enough to share. No harm, no loss. I think I maybe did try to start this too soon or maybe try to do too much at one time. I need to do something different. The marathing studing doesn't work very well when I start to break down and start to freak out. I need to go back to what works.

Such arragant people. Don't even think or do any research before they spout out stuff. I mean to get it all taken away? What have you lost? You don't even freaking know then how can you say you have lost anything? Investment? You know the dangers of stock and there are no garentees and it could all disapear over night. What has Abama done to you to make you spu such posperious skum. I think I have more than given up on people. I'll just keep to myself but doens't mean I don't love you all unconditionally just as long as none of you get too close, I do bite after all *chomp* I will just admire you from afar and strive to be all I can be in what ever value I see in you. And take away what I can. For now give it a rest. Lets see if you can even get in and out before 2. Goodluck, send lots of love. All very unconditional.

omg that's too funny. I am really starting to think he is really gey he has become a fan of Mark? lolz omfg... really is too funny, you really can't make this stuff up. Just halarious. Oh well. It's all good, goodnight my dear.

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