Wednesday, November 19, 2008

If I were a Boy

Maybe I done enough for one day and deserve a rest for tonight. okay can't say I didn't try to look for the prof on facebook =P It's kind of chilly in this room. Well I would have cc his a copy of the emails, but what's his face had to add in the comments about me. So I decided not to. Am I really fine without you? I really want to be. It's taking its toll on me. Have to let em all go. It's truely is Delusional. But what's really rediculious is that prof didn't even know who was the one that talked to him or the one that's helping out. Moe Lou Sum. Guess eh is not the only one. I noticed the same thing about the prof. But what's he up doing so late? Oh ick I just imagined prof in his undies or something lol But at least he's timely to respond unless you know who *hint hint* And they were not even that dark and the oder was just intoxicating. This chair hurts, not so comfortable.

And what am I waiting for? Seems all so useless. But it's not for me to say. And oh I just ador this kitty. Gotta love Disney. Now I am starting to feel physical pain. Who knows what's going on with them all today. Why you must punish yourself? Goodness it's almost 1 again. Guess I would want to go before it gets too late again. Oh well. You know what? If it mattered, I wouldn't be in this situation.
If I were a boy, wouldn't it be nice. Just think about myself. Be selfish for once. No matter what you but yourself through no one else would know or care. You are only punishing yourself. Head is really itchy, really gotta wash it.

I am really done playing. Please let me go.

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