Monday, November 17, 2008

Ajahn Beef, Because I Can

Ha, is that not the most harlirious thing I have read all day given that today has only started. But is there a reason why my pick jacket kinda smells like fishie? I'm trying to remember if I did or did not bring this one to fishing. But now that I think about it. I think I did. Now I am left without my blue and white jacket. I really do feel like a big pink jet puffed marshmellow. Oh well. No matter because those who mind don't matter and the ones that don't mind matter. And that's how it is. There seems to be no apreciation. Or at least prof is kind off in his own thing. guess can't go talk to him unless he talkes to you. Else he too is also in his own little world.

It's funny I feel as if this has all happened before. Metting ema nd doing this presentation. Or is this all to vivid in my imagination? I am not sure what to make out of it. DBSK has a new don't. Can't say I like the lyrics, but it has this really grovy tune.

Okay it's super offocial. Eh does know freaking everyone and it hit the all mighty 400. You telling me mr busy didn't add them all ye right lol Can't be that possibly popular, can? If so then I need to discover eh secret. We'll see about that.

Eh finally called. I didn't really expect it, but if eh wants to play then we shall play. You can't out play mi =P I rule this game =P I'll show you. You will see. Lesley Roy- Unbeautiful is an interesting song. You know after talking to em it seems the weekend won't be that bad. I maybe able to shop on my own with mummy and even work. How beautiful. See how things just work out seemingly effortlessly.

I am very disapointed about my paper. There's still a chance, but still it's absolutly atrochious. I have time tomorrow to work on it. And I have Estate HW.

"This is me, I am unchangable"

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