Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Word of the day comes from KSTP weather guy describing todays weather as spitty as to wet fluries of snow. Today finally get some decent amount of visible snow. Okay so that image isn't flurries. But at least there's snow. Okay this one is better. A wee bit creepy with the spider. Finall got an email from Polacco and with this week full of bad news, finally some good news. Got a better than expected grade on the second test. There's still hope. Means I need to get started on rewriting test answers. I look outside and I can see snow flurries. It's nice. It has a nice calming effect. Sadly library is not open today, was going to do Eviews. There's always tomorrow. It's no nice outside, it's snowing so much. Don't have much to say now. Time passes by so quickly. It be all over before you know it. I know I am scaring myself right now. And maybe it's the fear that keeps me on my toes.

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