Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cruel Intensions; Nutter

Now it's not doing what you think is good, but doing what you think is bad but might be good for you. The do on to others as you would want them to do to you does not apply well here as treat others as they treat you. I know honestly no one would do that for me. Or least not even consider or go out of their way to. But considering that eh did miss out on not one but two quizes and I totally failed on one of them. And yet we don't get any resultes on any of them.

I can't say I like the pop beat for Mirotic. Anyways, at least they are pleasent to look at. Goodness they look so good. But other than that, the day doesn't look too well. I so need a smoothie to sooth things today. I feel like I should go quick grab one but I know I can't drink in Phil. And then after Phil I want to peep at the BCIS talk. Oh what to do. Decesion decession decesions.

I want a netherball. I'm not sure what it is, but something a hermit crab would live in. I needed to listen to decesions again because I wans't sure what to do about em. But it gave me a clear answer. But I want to make sure I do it right or properly. I will continue this at a latter moment.

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