Sunday, November 30, 2008

Good Lessons are Thoughest to Learn

I can feel anger and frustration setting in. But then I start to think about the one over the summer and I catch myself trying to explain to him how to love one else. And I find myself needing the same lesson. To let go and to learn the lesson. (I was going to use a different one but I can't find the imagin your pain one, so this shall do)

This weekend was Turkey weekend and it truely was a Black Friday. All the disapline and what I have worked for all seemed to go right out the door this weekend. The greed and the need all took over and ran rampant through my life. I could feel it taking a hold of me.. I really need to do a quick reset and calm the mind. I bought so much and to what end? Oh the greed and the wanting of more and more. Ending up buying two pairs of shoes and then a jacket that I really chouldn't have, but did anyways because the need was so strong. Bad bad. When I should be content with what I already have. And that one applys to everything. Including with relactionships of any kind.

I think I need to go decluter for a bit. Everything is tempary, it can never fill the void that's in me. I want to get back to looking for icons and photography again. That was always fun. It was where it all started kind of more or less where the road the Hell started.

I am starting to feel a wee bit better now.
  • Thanks.

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