Sunday, November 9, 2008


My God, how did I manage to do so poorly? Today is really a bad day. I feel like with drawing from everything and just have everyone leave me the fak alone to do my work. I really need to get on top of things now. I guess it's a usual, better late than never. But it hurts, it really hurts. Is it punishment for douting? Is it punishment for not following through on my end? Or is it temptation? It maybe all of the above. I pray to my Lord for guidance in these dark time. May I find the light and be what you want me to do. In my darkest times, it was you that got me through it. I hope and pray for the same. I dare not to ask for me. But in desperate times, I need to have faith and follow your guidance.

I know I have failed you, I know I have let you down. But give me a chance. I know I can do great things for you. Please give me another chance. I will not disapoint you. I promise you that. Help me find the strength to get through this.

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