Monday, November 24, 2008

True Love

I been reading Ajahn's book on true love. It's not what they make it out to be like in the movies. It's to love unconditionally. No matter what. I wonder how you learn that. I can try though. To love anyways and to expect nothing. To leave the door to my heart open to you at all times, no matter what hour of the day it is.

So the weekend passes like every other weeken except this weekend I truely got nothing done. Had eh come over just for a day and spend the day wandering around with em looking for sale items. I actually was hoping that after being around eh, would be able to find more flaws in em and that will be that. But that wasn't the case =.= first thing was eh had the same kitty collection... and have the same freaky taste in wierd things like coats, chocolates, and crystals... so get back and help em move craps to have em flip on the tv to the Discovery channel.. I don't know if I should laugh of cry.

Suddenly I feel like cream cheese.

Beside the point. I will leave things be and watch things in the side like a movie. The negatives I can think of now is the tag switching. But besides that, only to learn more positive things about em... sad sad.

Was just on youtube and it's funny now they got the wide screen thing going now. I got half of the book read. But I need to contatntly remind myself that I love all the same, no more or less, but I need to love myself as well. I can never forget about my self.

Okay, so how is it I am worng as usual? But eh is just stressed about accounting. Really do just need to trust em. Be understanding.

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