Monday, November 10, 2008

Are you Pondering what I am Pondering?

On the side note, I was going through photos and it just amde me realize how they have such bad tastes in guys. I mean they are really fuglie. I guess they could be really nice or something, but they are just hidious. That type of guy usually has some sort of asian fetish. But is it so worng? To have an perference? I mean like I do as well. But it's not like I can't apreciate a good looking cracker and I would find all asians attractive. Because they are not. Something to ponder about. For some reason it really disgustes me. I mean I would be fine if she at least found a good looking one, but he's not even close. It really makes me sick, really sick.

I know I am not doing well. Lord help me. Help me find the way again. Less thinking and more doing, pause to ponder and then keep going. Make frequent stops if you need, but never stop moving. So help me God.

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