Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Why won't you believe me?

i can only blame myself for letting others have control and influence on me. Letting you effects what I do and think because of how you feel. I should not have accepted their answer and just empowered myself and made my own decision. But I trusted them too much to know what they are doing and want them to feel the consequences of their own actions. A lot of resentment for them and mainly for myself is creeping up because of Chon goon closing and they not being prepared and getting others involved because of it. I don't want to be so helpless that someone else is hindering what I want to do.      I resent myself more than anything.

If there is anything I learn from muse is to empower yourself and make the decision yourself. Today may have been too much for me. Too much to handle. Not sure what it would have done to me. Life is not fair, doesn't stop me from trying to make it more fair for me. But like I said before, you really can't beat the luck. The timing of everything is just uncanny. It's the will of the universe. What is in it for me?

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