Sunday, June 18, 2017


Had a rather strange dream just moments ago where is was related to tearing down the restaurant while we were downstairs at home and as we took things down had to fend off things like in a game in another dimension and muse was there to help to decode some of the challenges like mini clips and understand some of the output and would ask what was our input. The odd thing was muse would visit and be in my space where would get personable but nothing happened but line crossing where touched. This only made me concerned that it's becoming overwhelming or maybe having too much of and effect and impacting me too much. We are not friends to put it simply. Even the ones I thought we were like with people have worked with for five years ended not to be. Tried to do some self help and trying to see if I am not invested enough? they say everybody loves to talk about themselves. Noise chick seems pretty personable and asks a bunch of questions and seem pretty buddy with everyone. And I'm pretty noise too but I wonder if I cross the line by probing too much. But I think I can take a clue when they walk you in. Is it worth the risk of being walled in in an attempt to make a connection?

Maybe should not worry about what others think so much and more how you are going to get what you want out of it.  Gotta put your agenda first and then consider how you will get it with minimal impact or maintain how others experience you. There is no being yourself. Myself is always changing to be a better version of what others perceive as me. You see what I allow you to see, you perceive what I have crafted. Guard must always be up.

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