Wednesday, June 7, 2017

All Talk

I realize more and more how everyone is all talk. It's like that with noise chick said would come and no show, at least queen bee came and said would but that maybe because there was some benifit to do so but what relationship is not mutual Beni and give and take. What else has been all talk? The whole oh won't help him blah blah but now you are all scavenging stuff for him. Again you really can't beat luck. Even with how things appear to be, it will end up better than it seems.

Trying to be more patient and to mull over things a little before responding. Not too long though but enough to advoid some mistakes that maybe can be filtered out. Don't think can advoid everything but minimal efforts. Like waiting 10 mins for the confirm. In my head I'm thinking due to the crawl, things got backed up and now it's starting so you just waiting for something's to finish.

Maybe I ask too many questions at once and it get Burried there or too many statements and it's overwhelming. But part of me wants to get it all in because half the time muse wanders off so I want to get all of my part in. I try to be patient but you are all really testing my pacients. Do I assume the worse or best in others? I think it depends on who it is. I guess sorta already answered that question that I can move on with it. Let's just get it over with.

Ok so that wasn't so bad but kinda threw veginchick under a slow moving bus.

Feeling as though I am an antelope going back to the crocodile filled watering hole. Even though I know it's dangerous and should not, but lie water I feel like I need it or at least a taste of it. Knowing full well how it could end up it keeps drawing me on longing for more.

Yesterday was the last day of what has been a good part of my life for almost 30 years. I'm not as sad as I thought I would be. In my mind I image how things will be but so far it hasn't been that way. For a moment I think how it would be different if it were another. A moment of gratitude that it is what it is because I am not able to imagin it going better. At least no one as attentive. Not even you would be as attentive right? And definitely not muse.

Even though it has been a very one tired week, class was interesting. Feels like more a class for executives that gets to make those kinds of choices. 

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