Thursday, June 22, 2017

The cold never bothered me anyways

all expectations are shattered. Lasts night class was pretty wonky. Can't help but giggle. It's rather amusing even Charles is amusing for a dark fella. They do have a neat accent especially Greek fella and how he talks about his son and Abercrombie ha. Really quite amusing. Even the IT fella at st. Thomas, though came off as a jerk at first, is amusing in a jerk kind of way. But they are in sales are marketing, wouldn't expect anything less of a good sales person. Gotta admit they are really amusing and have fun banter.

I guess in comparison, I'm assuming muse is Just twitchy. Even when waiting for something to load can't keep hands off your head some reason. The cold can sting. Got to get use to the old. Expect the cold. Doesn't mean can't try but just expect the cold. It makes it easier to deal. Focus on getting what you need and things you need to deal with. You are the least of my concerns right now. When it rains, it pours. Don't be what anyone expects you to be.

Waste is something poor people to be concerned with. I won't approach life from that direction as I can afford to waste. The utmost confidence and belief of control of ones destiny. I'm still not sure if I do. But I will try to be more mindful and pray for a better answer to resolute the check elevation issue tomorrow. I would feel bad if that was the issue to cause a delay.

On a side note, think I'm still trying to find some great looking pants as I don't even recall when I ran into. But the thing I did notice was the well fitting pants and how I want one as well. The vegi chick has some really baggie pants and not even big chick has that great of pants. Noting better than a pair of great fitting pants. 

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