Wednesday, June 14, 2017


So on to another song and as I suspected, they do not last long or invoke the feeling I'm looking for. Here I am digressing back to something more familiar to more just Melodie. Just a beat or ruthenium's to keep going and chugging along when things gets you down. Slight panic today actually. Didn't want to be wrong. I did wean myself off muse for a gods 2 days and then this creeps up that needed some talking to. Upon observing muse, is most casual / comfortable among too many. One adored by many. You don't know what you don't know. Maybe better left that way. Cold sores maybe? Really has no shame in walking around with it.

Back to this chill song. Maybe it can bring about some focus. Happen soon some chance digging around only to find that fianace does pretty well for itself. Let's not be blinded by muses and still consider the original plan in accounting. Let's just chill for the moment to regroup and gather yourself. The class and projects are giving my anxieties. Let's take a step back and reorganize. Coming up with a strategy is the easy part, it's the execution that's difficult. It's like being in my head all the time and not doing anything.

Wow I'm really oily. And I thought I would keep more dry at work but my face said other wise. Gotta remember to pat myself down. Maybe I just need to admit I'm just oily. But let's use this as an opportunity to apply what I learned and it would be good to see if I can build a better relaxation out of it though it seems like muses  has redactions with everyone. Not to place on your bets on one to spread it out. You really can't lose when you bet and focus on yourself. Invest in yourself to place bets on others. But really, seeing finance doing well was opening and makes me wonder. So concerned with keeping things the same and not looking to see if maybe things could even be better. How can it be better? Trying to hard to keep the things you have vs looking how can it even be even better? 

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