Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Poor Unfortunate Souls

So today was not bad. Starting to feel resentful again. Hopefully it will be enough to get me through this as it didn't last long before I wavered. Are they really that delightful or is it all in my head? The arrivals were not difficult to read but I seem to play it up in my head. So it's not as bad or good either way. But today was rather odd. Chance and ice would have it. Been wanting to see and even had an excuse to, but decided against it. Even when getting dressed, decided against it but still didn't want to be too frumpy because wasn't goIng to see anyways. And it happened anyways twice. Nothing I had done or put into motion. How odd. Last night was thinking about the secret and ran into a vision board on YouTube even. Is it positive or wishful thinking? Like late last night decided to not get something to eat and happen to be something to eat when I didn't pick up anything. That I can see as a possibility of happening. But the double visit not so much. I don't dare ask for anything in fear of not getting it but if you are not getting it anyways, what's the harm in asking for it and not getting what you expected? Well this is something for sure know won't. Doubt it's even what I really want. You want to do something more important and yet want more time to do other things. Don't know how long this slowing will last. Might as well take this time to do what you want. 

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