Monday, June 5, 2017


A part of me still flutters at my muse and I think because there of some jealousy from another group. Spending time with others and others groups of not the same than more. Realizing how popular the muse is makes me think why I can't be as well. What am I doing that is so different? Am I not nice or helpful enough? Trying to discover the hold the muse has over me. It's not as strong as before but still there. Could it be envy? Certain attributes I'm attracted to because I want them for myself? I'm trying to think. What you like in someone, why? You want someone funny to make you laugh, then you want someone smart to say guide or teach you so you can be smart? But you wouldn't say I want someone funny so I can be funny. It's their funny is useful to you. Desired services. I sapose everyone wants different things to either to have or to be. Like to like someone hair color doesn't mean I disorder the person but I do desire the hair. So I guess I blur what I actually like. You don't belong anywhere so you are free to come and go as you please.

But fun fact today, find out muse is a rabbit and just come to the realization that rats eats rabbits lol well on the bright side have an excuse to gift muse. I am not at all stalkerish lol but overall today is still feeling pretty normal. A little unexpected busy but I do like the feeling of purpose. Got kudos today but fairly minor. Still feel some distrust that the numbers had to be verified. 

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